Tuesday, September 30, 2014


I was first introduced to PROBAR by RunnerBox. I received a sample of their Orange BOLT chews in my April/May box. I used them on my first 19-mile run (feel free to read out it here). I really enjoyed them and have been meaning to try them again ever since.


PROBAR BOLT Orange in Hand

To say I was STOKED when I heard back from PROBAR about the possibility of doing a review and giveaway is an understatement. Not only were they interested in sending me some BOLT chews to review (a FULL BOX mind you), they were AWESOME enough to offer up A BOX TO ONE LUCKY WINNER as well!

As you probably know (since I won't shut up about it), I am currently in my second round of marathon training (this time training for TWO full marathons). With all of the long runs on the schedule (lots of them being back-to-back), fueling can be a BIG deal! I need something that will keep me energized, something that doesn't cause me to get spikes of energy (please no high highs or low lows - I need a consistent boost), something that isn't filled with a bunch of chemicals and "bad stuff", and something that will sit well in my tummy (no one wants to be taking potty breaks when you have a lot of miles on the docket). PROBAR BOLT does just that! They are USDA Organic, Non-GMO Verified, and Certified Gluten Free.


Like I mentioned, I used them in April on a 19 mile run (read about it here). This past weekend I also used them on my Friday 14-miler and then Ryan and I both used them on our 15 mile run we did together on Sunday (obviously I wanted a couple trials under my belt before I gave you my opinion on the product).

PROBAR BOLT Strawberry

I was sent the Strawberry flavor (when I received the sample from RunnerBox I received the Orange flavor) and was sooooo excited about it. They smelled like the old-school Strawberry Bubble Yum Gum! The flavor was extremely yummy. They reminded me of chewies (oops, I guess not everyone would know what those are... they are what my family called "fruit snacks"). The texture is great - not too gooey (so they won't get caught in your teeth,) but easy enough to chew while on the run. The size is fantastic as well (In the past when I have used the Clif ShotBlocks, they are a little too large for me so I have to bite them in half. Being able to pop the whole chew in my mouth was very convenient).

PROBAR BOLT Strawberry Nutritional Value
The Details!

PROBAR BOLT Strawberry Ingredients

During Friday's 14 mile run, I took 4 of the chews around mile 5 and then another 4 around mile 10. Since I still had a couple left in the package, I took the last 3 around mile 13 (I was at a traffic light and didn't want them to go to waste :)). On Sunday, Ryan had a 15-miler scheduled so I decided I would run with him (I was technically the reason he started running and the one who has talked him into running #AllTheRaces). I figured we could BOTH try out the chews. I grabbed two packs and put them in my SPIbelt before we left for the morning. Around mile 5 we both had 5 chews (which means we split the first pouch), then again around mile 11 (and shared the second package).

PROBAR BOLT Strawberry Box

I asked Ryan his take on the chews (because obviously the more honest feedback you can have, the better, right?!). He had a lot of the same thoughts as me. Great tasting, easy to ingest and digest, etc. Even though he didn't think he could "feel" the chews, he knew they kept him chugging along with more energy and stamina than if he would have run without them. (I have to say it was his longest run to date and he did AMAZING! I'd love to say the chews had a little something to do with how well he did too!) He mentioned he wanted to order a couple more boxes once we run out (which means they got his stamp of approval and that he is expecting I will share the rest of my the box with him...).

And GUESS WHAT?! You don't just have to take our word for it... Now you have the chance to win a box of 12 energy packs yourself! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?! Normally giveaways are for a sample size or extra small quantity, but this one you will get 12 FULL SIZE PACKS! Even with 2 long runs a week, that would last me at least 6 weeks ;) (that is IF I'm not sharing with the hubby).


Enter early and often (some of the entries are available DAILY). The giveaway will run through Tuesday, October 7th at 11:59pm PST. I will contact the winner via email (using the email address listed through Rafflecopter). Also, the entries ARE verified, so please make sure you complete the task or I'll have to pick a new random winner.

And just in case you don't win, but still want to order PROBAR products (which I **HIGHLY** recommend) you can now do it and SAVE 25%! Just use code "PROBAR25BTC" on your online order between now and October 29th. The code can be used at www.theprobar.com for 25% off ANY PRODUCT and is entered at the time of check out.

PS Just in case you don't follow PROBAR on social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc), I wanted to give you the heads up they are launching a BRAND NEW PRODUCT tomorrow, October 1st. You DEFINITELY want to check it out!


Tamika said...

Those sound delicious. I'd love to try them!

Unknown said...

Shot blocks have always been too big for me where I have to walk and chew them or make sure to cut them up before I leave. I'd love to see how these compare to the blocks and the sport beans I've tried.

Unknown said...

I usually use Hammer gels, but these look awesome!

Stacey Niedzwiecki said...

I usually use Gatorade energy chews or Gu. These look yummy!

Anonymous said...

I don't currently have a "go to" fuel for long runs. I take whatever I happen to have on hand.

Erica @ Erica Finds said...

This season I have been using GU Chomps, Huma Gel and Island Boost. I have been wanting to try these, too. Thanks!

blew415 said...

I use the orange flavored gatorade

benj13blue said...

I generally use gels, but I've done chews too. The only chews I've tried are Clif ShotBlocks, but I'd love to try these.

Unknown said...

I use shot blocks. Can't get past the texture of gels. These sound perfect!

SD Mom said...

Right now I use Clif Shot Bloks but I really want to try these!

Leah said...

I tend to go with Honey Stinger energy chews!

Unknown said...

I don't have a go to right now, I just use whatever is around, but I am finding that shot blocks are too big, so I would love to try these!

KookyRunner said...

These sound awesome! I'm always experimenting with different fueling options to see what works the best for me and I would love to try these!

Julie said...

I use huma gels or honey stinger chews

Unknown said...

I love Huma Chia gels and honey stinger chews for long runs.

Annmarie said...

I use PocketFuel Cold Brew Coffee gels on long runs!

ToriPaige said...

Clif bloks :)

Unknown said...

I'm the same way with Clif bloks: they can be too large and I end up wasting some of it. Would love to try these out!

matt0701 said...

I'm a cyclist, but on long rides, I use GU energy gels to keep me going most of the time.

Amy Lauren said...

I usually don't run longer than 10-13 miles, but I do like Hammer gels. I used them on my marathon last year.

Holly said...

Been looking for something to keep me going while training and racing!

Anonymous said...

I don't use a Bolt or anything else or long runs. I just eat lots of carbohydrates the night before to fuel myself.

Eclectic Educating said...

I usually go with clif shots!

Miss Adventures in Running

Unknown said...

I do Clif Shots or Gu usually. But these sure look like a good alternative! :)

Unknown said...

I like making mine when I have time... with mashed dates, oats and other organic ingredients and raw honey.

Nicole @ Fitful Focus said...

I usually use Energybits and dates!

Anonymous said...

I'm not that picky about my long run fuel. I'm lucky to be fine with any type of gel.

Unknown said...

I have tried a lot - Huma gels, vi gel, gu, hammer gels, clif shot blocks and sports beans

Unknown said...

My current running fuel is Clif Shot Blocks and Nuun. Great combination but I'm always on the lookout for something new!

Marissa said...

I've been struggling to find a good long-run fuel that doesn't upset my stomach, plus I'm gluten-free, so I would love to try these! I've been using dried cherries/dates but I don't love the texture.

FireRunner2379 said...

I'm hooked on Gu's Peanut Butter flavor energy gel.

Debbie H. said...

Lately I've been using almond smushed into a date.

Anonymous said...

I use GU!

Ethel said...

I don't really use anything yet...my longest run is only 7 miles :)