Friday, January 30, 2015

12 PAIN-FREE Miles & Signing Off

This is the face of someone who just ran 12 PAIN-FREE miles!!

The last 5 of those miles may have been in the rain, hence the wet-dog sort of look ;)


The stormy Strand

I am thrilled to report that although the miles were slower than normal (my long run pace is supposed to be about 9:42/ mile and I kept these around 10:00/ mile), my heel/ foot feels back to 100%!

My Pro Compression #TwoPairDontCare action may have had something to do with it ;) [PS Save BIG this weekend with their Superbowl sale! 40% off all the items in the store with FREE shipping on all order over $20! Use the code SUPER at checkout. TRAIN. RACE. RECOVER.]

And now it is time to SIGN OFF for the weekend and go PACK!


Ryan and I (along with Walt the Wiener Dog) are packing up our Adventure Mobile when he gets home this afternoon and heading up to Malibu to camp for the weekend.


We aren't bringing the computers, but I'm sure we will be posting on Instagram throughout the weekend. Feel free to follow us if you are interested in the shenanigans (or wait until next week for a recap post ;) ). @CarleeMcDot @ruggedwoodsman

See ya on the flip side! Now GO OUTSIDE AND ENJOY!

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