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I saw this on Facebook a few weeks ago and LOL'ed ;) [Because this is TOTALLY ME!] |
Nowadays we have who's-its and what's-its GALORE! From our phones to our keys, gels and fuels to our IDs and an extra few bucks in case we need to stop for a water on the way, it's hard to get out the door without an extra 3 pounds to carry along for your run. Thankfully SPIbelt has seen this change in trend and brought something to the market for us runners who carry a few thing-a-ma-bobs along with us. SPIbelt itself stands for Small Personal Item Belt.
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I have been known to tie my car keys in my shorts' string, carry my phone in one hand and a water bottle in the other, all while having fuel in my sports bra. You never know what you may need out on a run, and it's always better to be safe than sorry (even if you look like you should have a pack mule along for the trip).
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Yup, you can even see my keys hanging out under my bib in my OC Half Race pictures ;) |
SPIbelt was gracious enough to send me TWO of their products. The first, which I was also lucky enough to score for one lucky reader in the form of a GIVEAWAY, is the Original SPIbelt. Since this is their flagship belt (and the one you could win) I wanted to get a lot of use out of it before posting the review.
I have taken it out on many runs (since I've received it, it has been on all of my outdoor runs with me - three 4-milers, two 6-milers, an 8-miler, a 10-miler, a 14-miler, and finally a 15-miler) and three bike rides (all of them just under 20 miles a piece).
On the shorter runs it normally only carries my phone (for "just-in-case emergencies" and photos {DUH}) and on longer runs it held my phone, keys (car or house), and up to two pouches of PROBAR BOLT Energy Chews (one for hubby and one for me, since he doesn't have a belt of his own to carry his stuff in yet).
When I was checking out the options on the site I noticed that all of the pictures show the pouches being worn in the front... I have another belt (I got it from either Marshalls or TJ Maxx. I realize when items end up there something may be wrong or off with them, so I don't necessarily want to compare the two.) and have only ever worn the pocket portion in the back. I decided I would stick with what was most comfortable for me (or at least the way I thought I was supposed to wear it), so I kept the pouch in the back. I have some "child bearing hips" (although no children will be bore from them) and found it most secure to have the belt just slightly below my hip bones.
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Okay, okay, I know I'm not that talented at setting up the tripod for selfies, but at least you get the idea of where I wear it. |
The straps on the belt are extremely soft. I would even venture to say that the materials of the belt and pouch are velvety feeling. With that being said, if it is more comfortable for you to wear it high on your waist, I would have to imagine there wouldn't be much, if any, chaffing because of the quality of materials used. [PS I even saw someone wearing it across their chest this weekend at a race we ran. I guess the moral of the story is: find what works for you and ROCK IT!]
One of the coolest features is how expandable and low-profile it is. When I received it, it was so small. I definitely had my doubts of how much it would hold, but I have been proved wrong (which doesn't happen often... just ask my hubby:)).
I just upgraded my phone from an iPhone 4 to a 5S. Although the phone is slightly smaller, I have it in a Defender Series OtterBox, which gives it quite a bit more bulk and weight. Even so, the pouch has no issues with having room for what I carry and more. The material is super stretchy and seems to hold a TON!
I do need to stop and discuss a brief issue I had. During my 14 mile run a couple Fridays ago there was a bit of a hill section. While I was running down the first decline the pouch started flopping around - sort of like my phone was doing somersaults on my back. I would have to assume it was due to my running form changing on the hills, but wanted to mention it. I was only about 3 or 4 miles in to my run at this point, so instead of worrying about it for the rest of the run (feeling like I had to fidget with it), I decided I would move the pocket part to the front on my body to see if that would help the flipping. It stopped the movement immediately, so I ran with it in the front for the rest of the run (as well as on our 15-miler a couple days later). I was actually surprised how comfortable it was in the front as well (I guess the models in the pictures on the website knew what they were doing ;)).
I was also sent the Endurance SPIbelt. What I was looking forward most about trying this belt was that it has spots for you to attach a race bib. Something I can use so I don't have to worry about pinning a bib on straight (I'm anal about it not being crooked, what can I say?) or putting holes in my clothes?! SIGN ME UP!
As you may have seen in the post from yesterday, Ryan and I ran in a 5K this past weekend. You better believe I took the Endurance SPIbelt out for a test drive during the race! The straps on the Endurance SPIbelt are a little thicker than on the Original SPIbelt. Also, the pocket is made of a more substantial material (but not as many fun color combos), which makes the belt itself a bit heavier than the Original SPIbelt (when comparing the two side-by-side) but I would venture to say JUST AS COMFORTABLE.
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Attaching my bib in the parking lot was EASY PEASY! |
It was so convenient to just stick my phone in the Endurance SPIbelt when the race was getting ready to start (I was comped 2 entries for the race in exchange for a blog post, so you KNOW I had to grab a ton of pictures before and after). I LOVED not having to worry about attaching my bib to my clothes (worrying about putting holes in my brand new tank top or getting it on perfectly straight). The Endurance SPIbelt also has spots to attach your fuel (but for a 5K I didn't need to use those). I think I have found a new RACE DAY MUST HAVE!
I am so stoked to have found this company (which proudly makes their belts in the USA - specifically in Austin, TX). I can definitely see myself throwing on the Original SPIbelt any time I head out for a run or ride - you know I have to have my phone/ camera with me to document everything I do! The Endurance SPIbelt will definitely be coming to all of my future races with me.
And like I mentioned, YOU CAN WIN AN ORIGINAL SPIbelt FOR YOURSELF! WHOOOO HOOOO! You even get to select from any of the EIGHTEEN banging color options!! Just use the Rafflecopter below to enter!!
Enter early and often (some of the entries are available DAILY). The giveaway will run through Tuesday, October 14th at 11:59pm PST. I will contact the winner via email (using the email address listed through Rafflecopter). Also, the entries ARE verified, so please make sure you complete the task or I'll have to pick a new random winner. BEST OF LUCK TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU WHO ENTERS!!
I have a cheap running belt that I throw my keys and ID in for races. Otherwise, I just carry my phone in my hand for short runs.
Love SPI belts!! I have a couple!!
Constantly looking for a good race belt - and have to replace mine after upgrading to the iPhone 6!
Love everything about my spibelt except for 2 things. If I wanna carry my phone, Samsung note, that's the only thing I can fit in there. And when I do carry my phone, it bounces. If I decide not to carry my phone, it's the best!
i have a pouch that's meant for the arm that i secure around the back of my hand or forearm. not much fits in it but it works for now!
I love my old SpiBelt but I'm definitely in need of a new one (it's a few years old now). Would love to win a new one!
I stuff my fuel, keys and Chapstick in my handheld water bottle!
I've been using a flip belt but am always looking for something different/better!
I carry a water bottle and keep things in there. I have never had luck with any types of belts. I'm super tiny and have zero shape!
I tuck my keyfob into the teeny tiny zipper on the back of my skirts and capris but everything else (gels and id) into my phone armband. I hate it though since I have a Note2 that is huge! I have been tempted to try a belt but have worried about the bouncing.
I have been wondering about these. Thanks for sharing your review.
I really need one of these bad boys!! I currently tuck my iPhone into my sports bra. No bueno. :)
Loved reading your thoughts on it! The running belt I have fits everything but is crowded and hard to get things out! Definitely need an upgrade to be able to fit my phone, key and fuel comfortably
I need a Spibelt! I usually don't carry much with me because I don't have a good way to carry it. But I like to have my phone, keys, money, etc
My phone, gu, id, and cash - in my husbands fanny pack, lol
Great giveaway.
I use and old tiny purse I can tighten around my waist so I can carry tissues, chapstick, keys, and fuel. Phone and water in my hands for accessibility. :-)
long runs I keep in the pouch on my water belt.. short runs in the pouch on my handheld bottle. I usually don't carry my phone.
I found SPI belts last November when I ran the Wine & Dine half marathon in WDW and haven't looked back since! PS: I'm SO happy there is someone else who is OCD about bibs being crooked besides me! ;)
I use a hydration belt for my longer runs, but for my shorter ones I use a "fannypack" that I got from Marshalls. I would love to upgrade though!
I use a SPIbelt. I always carry my phone in there. If I'm driving to where I'm running, I carry keys. If it's a long run, I put gels in there.
For the past 3 years I have just held my phone and wear running bottoms with little pockets for my key. I would love to try one of these belts! I plan my long runs to go past home so I can pick up fuel and water.
I usually carry stuff my hand or in the pouch of my water bottle.
I carry all my crap in my hands and in my bra. I haven't found a good way to carry my phone otherwise.
I normally run with my one key and phone in an arm pocket. I would love to try this! thank you!
I usually take my running stuff Ina belt, but it's just not comfortable. I'm looking for a new one
Lately because of the heat I've been using a handheld water bottle carrier that has a stretchy pocket. On race days I go with a belt. Mine is a little worn out so I hope I win! Thanks for the shot!
I own both a SPIbelt and a FlipBelt! Love them both!
I love my SPI belt! I've used it for years now. Funny, that I never knew what SPI stood for! :)
I don't carry much with me but when I do stuff is just pinned to my shorts.
I have a running belt with water bottles that I sometimes use if I want water. If not, I try and shove stuff into my ArmPocket phone carrier.
I actually think this could be very useful to me not just when running, but for wearing when wearing my son or daughter in the Mei Tai carrier.
I have one and encountered the same flopping problem you did during a race a couple weeks back. I tightened up the straps a little and no problems again. I've had mine for a year now and love it.
Love my SPI belt and am IN NEED of a new one!!
I put my car key in the tiny pocket in my shorts and carry my phone ;)
Been thinking about getting something like this because I hate arm bands
I've used iFitness belts for years, but am in the market for a new old. A few of my friends LOVE Spi Belt, so it may be happening SOON
I have a pair of Nike running shorts with deep pockets - I've had them for too many years to admit, but I just can't find shorts with as much pocket room! When those shorts aren't available, I use an arm pocket though I'm not in love with it.
I run with my phone always and add gels for long runs.
Something to carry my phone and a few other things would be awesome!
I use a very small belt from Nathan Sports, but when I get a new phone I'll need a bigger pouch! I swear it on my back too ;)
I usually have a pocket in my shorts that my stuff bounces around in.
Sadie B.
I usually have a pocket on my pants that I carry my keys and phone in.
I have a SPI belt but I'd love another in a different color.
My smaller Nathan belt barely fits my google phone and I wear it on the front to put my headphones out of to listen to my music. I need an upgrade!
I usually run with minimal things-for long runs, I use my sparkle skirt to carry all of my stuff. I have been looking to try a fitness belt!
I normally carry my phone and my key fob in my SPI belt...I would love to win this for my friend who always carries her keys, and I have been trying to tell her that it's not a good idea to carry things when she runs.
I normally carry my phone, gels, and a house/car key in my flipbelt.
i usually use a drawstring backpack as i have to carry a blood meter and sugar supplies with me in addition to my phone, keys and ID
I had to get a FlipBelt when my husband insisted I get an enormous phone. I have a size large and it is starting to be pretty inconvenient because it slips down when I run now.
I need this in my life. Yesterday I ran with two sets of keys, my phone, my bank card and ID all in my sports bra. 1) I had edge marks on my girls from the keys 2) it could have developed into a nasty chafe situation over 5 miles or more 3) it gave me a very strange looking shape and 4) its plain nastyyyy.
So yes, I could do with a storage device! ;-)
I usually throw everything in my jogging stroller!
I've got a cheap belt from TJ Maxx as well sans it's the second one I've gotten b/c the stitching on the first one gave out lol. A well made better quality one would be nice to have!
I actually don't run with anything besides my Garmin :| I'm worried about safety so I'm trying to find a good solution for my phone!
I'm always carrying "stuff", especially in a race. Gu, chapstick, hand sanitizer, mp3 player, sunglasses, car keys, cell phone, eye drops. All kinds of nonsense I could shove in that little SPI belt. :)
I actually don't carry anything but water/gatorade and my tiny ipod shuffle. But I would like to be able at least carry an energy gel and keep my second hand free.
I used to have a SPI belt someone took it at a race...i left it on a picnic table to get some drinks and my belt and gels and bib were GONE! and not to the lost an found. found the bib in he bin a few mins later. SO i totally need a new one!!!
I don't have a good way to carry anything! I put my ipod in my pocket if I have one; otherwise I have to carry it in my hand.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I carry my stuff in my hands which is always fun.
I always run with keys and an inhaler.
I run with my phone, gum, keys.
I normally squeeze everything into my hydration belt and armband. House or car key, Gu, Clif shot bloks, phone.
I use hydration belt, sometimes I use my bra (not kidding) to store my keys. I need a spi belt in my life.
I've wondered if they are planning on making the pouch slightly longer to accomodate the newer Phablet sized phones ... I can get my Note 3 in one, but it's a chore. LOVE the comfort, just wish it was a scoch longer.
Looks like a great way to carry keys, phone and ID.
I have the original SPIbelt for a couple years now. It was given as a gift for safety concerns when I would out running. I love this thing!
I'm pretty minimal, I run with just my GPS watch, keys, and iPod shuffle. I'd love to try this so I can also bring my iPhone with me. I want to try some new routes but I'm worried about getting lost.
I carry my cliff shots chapstick, and ID in the pouch in my Nathan water bottle.
I have a tiny shoe pouch that I carry money and ID in during a race. It also holds my Nike sensor. My shorts or capris usually have an invisi-pocket for my key. I only recently started running with my phone (for reasons too long to go into here), so I tuck it into my waste band. THIS SEEMS LIKE A VERY BAD IDEA ��
It depends on my length of run. Sometimes in my spibelt or my fitletic belt or if it's short enough I don't take anything.
I rely on the pockets in my clothing to carry what I need. Doesn't always work when amazingly some running gear lacks adequate pockets.
I have a knock off spi belt and its horrible, I need to get a real one!
I use a spibelt for every run! I love it but need a new one so this contest is awesome!
I have been less than impressed with my Nathan belt, and have continued to hunt for a better fitting one. This Spibelt sounds perfect, and whether I win one or not, worth investing in. Thank you!
I would love a spibelt! I have been wondering how I was going to carry my stuff during the marathon since I won't be taking my fuel belt.
I don't run with much - if I bring fuel, I stuff it in my sports bra too. Would LOVE to try a belt for once!
This is awesome! I was just thinking about a belt like this on my last long run. I had runine tights on, with no place for fuel or anything else. Right now, I rely on my pockets. Not a great solution, since things flop/flip around in them.
Waist! Not waste. I upgraded my phone from 4 to 5s, too. A whole new world!
I have a wrist wallet but it is way to small for my phone!
I usually carry all of my stuff in my running skirt. The skirt I wear has pockets.
I had a cheapy running belt i bought at Marshall's or tjmaxx but it ripped during an 11 miler. Now I have to carry my phone and key in my hand and sometimes my gels (depending on the distance!) It's ok for short runs but for longer runs my phone gets super sweaty and I have dropped it before.
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